Das richtige Modul für jeden Anwender - unsere BasePac-Pakete!
BasePac - Base
Editieren – Personalisieren - Organisieren
Personalisieren und editieren Sie vorhanden Stichdaten. Wählen Sie aus über 80 Fonts oder erstellen Sie Ihre eigene Schriftart. Fügen Sie spezielle ZSK Befehle in bestehende Muster ein.
BasePac - Premium
Kreieren – Punchen - Auto-Generieren
Gestalten Sie Ihre eigenen, kreativen Muster frei aus Bild- bzw. Vektorvorlagen oder nutzen Sie den Auto-Digitizer, um Muster in wenigen Schritten zu generieren.
BasePac - Professional
Unbegreanzte Kreativität
Erstellen Sie aufwändige Stickmuster mit einzigartigen Effekten und wechseln Sie zwischen den verschiedenen Stichtypen. Platzieren Sie Perlen und Pailletten auf Linien oder in Flächen.
BasePac - Technology
Speziell für ZSK technische Stickmaschinen
Nutzen Sie eine exklusive Auswahl an Werkzeugen, die das Arbeiten noch präziser gestalten. BasePac Technology bietet erweiterte Dateiformate bei der Ausgabe.
Übersicht der Modul-Inhalte
Download der Übersicht als PDF: HIER
Print & Statistics
Catalogue print of multiple stitch files |
Base |
Premium |
Professional |
Technical |
Barcode printing |
Base |
Premium |
Professional |
Technical |
Statistics |
Base |
Premium |
Professional |
Technical |
Place embroidery on garment |
Base |
Premium |
Professional |
Technical |
3D view of design |
Base |
Premium |
Professional |
Technical |
Needle sequence |
Base |
Premium |
Professional |
Technical |
Editing of stitch files |
Base |
Premium |
Professional |
Technical |
Conversion of .dst and .z00 |
Base |
Premium |
Professional |
Technical |
Coordinate processor for running lines |
Base |
Premium |
Professional |
Technical |
Smart scaling of stitch files |
Base |
Premium |
Professional |
Technical |
Load an image |
Base |
Premium |
Professional |
Technical |
Stitching backwards |
Base |
Premium |
Professional |
Technical |
Full extended coordinate processor |
Base |
Premium |
Professional |
Technical |
100 preinstalled fonts |
Base |
Premium |
Professional |
Technical |
Conversion of True Type Fonts |
Base |
Premium |
Professional |
Technical |
Font editor |
Base |
Premium |
Professional |
Technical |
Additional running or satin around Fonts |
Base |
Premium |
Professional |
Technical |
Creating new fonts from images |
Base |
Premium |
Professional |
Technical |
Team names, template |
Base |
Premium |
Professional |
Technical |
Place letters on defined line or in envelope |
Base |
Premium |
Professional |
Technical |
Centre underlay for small lettering |
Base |
Premium |
Professional |
Technical |
GiS FontMaker |
Base |
Premium |
Professional |
Technical |
Team names with head selection |
Base |
Premium |
Professional |
Technical |
Digitizing functions
Head selection command |
Base |
Premium |
Professional |
Technical |
Automatic frames |
Base |
Premium |
Professional |
Technical |
Running line with swing or irregular stitch length |
Base |
Premium |
Professional |
Technical |
Commands for combination machines |
Base |
Premium |
Professional |
Technical |
Twin sequin function |
Base |
Premium |
Professional |
Technical |
Automatic conversion of images into punch data |
Base |
Premium |
Professional |
Technical |
Optimize reference lines |
Base |
Premium |
Professional |
Technical |
Freehand mode for creative working |
Base |
Premium |
Professional |
Technical |
Bean stitches and Macros on Running |
Base |
Premium |
Professional |
Technical |
Step fill with variable rhythm |
Base |
Premium |
Professional |
Technical |
Conversion between different automatic programs |
Base |
Premium |
Professional |
Technical |
Underlay functions for satin and step fill stitch |
Base |
Premium |
Professional |
Technical |
Free entering of start and end points of closed objects |
Base |
Premium |
Professional |
Technical |
Free entering of end points for satin stitches |
Base |
Premium |
Professional |
Technical |
Copy, mirror and scaling functions of blocks |
Base |
Premium |
Professional |
Technical |
Adjustment of parameters over entire object or selected blocks |
Base |
Premium |
Professional |
Technical |
Wavy Stitch direction |
Base |
Premium |
Professional |
Technical |
Stencil function |
Base |
Premium |
Professional |
Technical |
Macro function with clean or cut edges |
Base |
Premium |
Professional |
Technical |
Create additional contours to your fill stitch |
Base |
Premium |
Professional |
Technical |
Create areas with another rhythm and stitch length in fill stitch |
Base |
Premium |
Professional |
Technical |
Fill with an angled rhythm |
Base |
Premium |
Professional |
Technical |
Round edges for fill stitch with defined stitch length |
Base |
Premium |
Professional |
Technical |
Interlocking areas for natural effect or quick colour shading |
Base |
Premium |
Professional |
Technical |
Branches for running lines |
Base |
Premium |
Professional |
Technical |
Sequin on line or fill |
Base |
Premium |
Professional |
Technical |
Splitting Running Lines |
Base |
Premium |
Professional |
Technical |
Extended contour types for smooth curves |
Base |
Premium |
Professional |
Technical |
Conversion from fill program to running lines |
Base |
Premium |
Professional |
Technical |
Drawing Tools
Free line entering |
Base |
Premium |
Professional |
Technical |
Optimizing images and auto vectorizing |
Base |
Premium |
Professional |
Technical |
Optimizing and Cleaning Tools |
Base |
Premium |
Professional |
Technical |
Geometric shapes |
Base |
Premium |
Professional |
Technical |
Reading of standard vector file formats |
Base |
Premium |
Professional |
Technical |
Editing of imported vector files |
Base |
Premium |
Professional |
Technical |
Export of drawing data as vector files (.dxf) |
Base |
Premium |
Professional |
Technical |
Transfer of vector lines into reference data |
Base |
Premium |
Professional |
Technical |
Import / Export
Export of GiS reference data and ZSK stitch files |
Base |
Premium |
Professional |
Technical |
Export of multiple stitch file types (.dst, .dsz, .tap, .exp, .pat, …) |
Base |
Premium |
Professional |
Technical |
Import of multiple stitch file types (.z00, .dst, .dsz, .exp, .pat, …) |
Base |
Premium |
Professional |
Technical |
Joining of reference or stitch data with needle optimization |
Base |
Premium |
Professional |
Technical |
Import of stitch data with optimization and block separation |
Base |
Premium |
Professional |
Technical |
Reading and Exporting of Schiffli stitch files |
Base |
Premium |
Professional |
Technical |
Weitere Optionen
ASP Manager
Verknüpfen Sie Ihren Auftragseingang direkt mit Ihrem Stickbetrieb und minimieren Sie dadurch die Verwaltungsarbeit.
Braille Funktion (Option)
Dieses patentierte Feature ermöglicht das Sticken der Braille Schrift. Die Lesbarkeit ist durch die World Blind Union bestätigt. Die Texteingabe erfolgt per Tastatur und wird per Ringbuffer automatisch in die Stickmaschine übertragen.
Ihre Ansprechpartner für Softwarelösungen

Britta Sanders
Vertrieb und Schulung
BasePac, EPCwin,
E-Mail: software____________@zsk.de