Tailored fibre placement

Tailored Fibre Placement – Enhancing the Use of Carbon

Cost cuts, less wastage and reduced manufacturing times – with our development of Tailored Fibre Placement (TFP) you can overcome a lot of challenges and widen the use of carbon. The innovative carbon composite manufacturing technique offers new possibilities for improved component design, and enhancing end of life recyclability. TFP arranges the functional fibres in bundles exactly where they are most needed for structural performance. Moreover, it stitches them into position on a compatible base layer. This procedure replaces unlike the conventional approach of weaving the fibres of a composite into a perpendicular arrangement then cutting the fabric to the required shape.

Case-Study ESE Industries - Tailored Fiber Placement

Case-Study: ESE Carbon Company


Be inspired by the possibilities and applications of carbon.



Podcast - Technical Embroidery is a massive field of opportunity

Podcast - Technical embroidery is a massive field of opportunity

In conversation with Dr. Topher Anderson, Technical Embroidery Manager, ZSK USA on the great possibilities that technical embroidery systems offer.


Listen to the Podcast

Technical Embroidery Magazin - Artikel zum Thema Technische Stickerei


The magazine is a collection of articles on the subject of technical embroidery that have previously published in the ZSK customer magazine "CARL".


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