Tailored wire – ZSK Stickmaschinen

Tailored Wire and Tube Placement – Functionalization of Textile Materials

Embroidery does not only overcome the challenge to improve textiles' optical properties, you can also add various functions to your products by using our innovative systems. The The W-head is one of the most versatile technologies for the integration of controlled function into a textile material. By taking a base material, W-head embroidery can stitch a secondary material in a predefined geometry to the base material to help functionalize it. The W-head allows for Tailored Wire Placement (TWP) laying of wires of a few µm to several mm thickness as well as laying of tubes for Tailored Tube Placement (TTP). The fixation wil be done with embroidery and bobbin thread by a zig zag stitch.

Podcast - Technical Embroidery is a massive field of opportunity

Podcast - Technical embroidery is a massive field of opportunity

In conversation with Dr. Topher Anderson, Technical Embroidery Manager, ZSK USA on the great possibilities that technical embroidery systems offer.


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Technical Embroidery Magazin - Artikel zum Thema Technische Stickerei


The magazine is a collection of articles on the subject of technical embroidery that have previously published in the ZSK customer magazine "CARL".


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