HoopStation - the virtual revolution for your HoopMaster

If you love your HoopMaster, you will l love it even more when you combine it with Smake‘s HoopStation! The HoopStation is the perfect addition to your existing HoopMaster, creating pure hooping magic! Prepare to be amazed!

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What you get!

Using HoopStation technology, project the desired logo onto the garment to improve accuracy and increase speed in hooping.


Using a USB or network, load the embroidery file (.dst) into the HoopStation TouchBOX and virtually position the logo onto the garment before placing the hoop. Now, you can select the matching hoop and position on your garment by simply using the TouchBOX‘s touch screen.


You will be amazed at how easy hooping is when you can see what you are doing. The TouchBOX allows you to save positions for different garments, or different jobs, for future reference.

EPS Hoop Master

Hooping has never been so easy and accurate!

  • Simple plug&play installation
  • Network connection or USB for your .DST files
  • Fast calibration with the HoopStation
  • You can use all your MightyHoop equipment
  • No loss of time due to tracing on the machine
  • No needle breakage due to frame contact
  • Always choose the right frame
  • Fast mass productiont

How the HoopStation works and why it's worth using:

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How to use a HoopStation

HoopStation vs. Human who is faster?

The game changer: Lots of functions – more possibilities!

EPS Hoop Master


HoopStation comes with an integrated selection of virtual MightyHoops. These hoops are projected onto the HoopMaster allowing you to easily select the correct MightyHoop for your job.


HoopStation also allows you to create your own virtual hoops.

Hoop Station


Loading a dst. file from a USB or network is easy and provides a live preview.


The HoopStation can be integrated into the Smake workflow system, or used as a standalone solution, to improve accuracy and consistency in hooping. By selecting the color of files, visualization is enhanced.


Increase speed by using virtual reference points for positioning.
When using virtual lines for reference, load the garment with speed and accuracy every time.


The TouchBOX has the capability to save and recall garment specific settings for future jobs.


The TouchBOX offers the ability to insert a grid to position the design which allows for precise design placement.


Many options are available such as adjusting the grid distance, standard or metric measurements or changing the colors depending on the background.


The HoopStation has Neck-Shoulder points integrated to make positioning your logo precise.

Choose from metric or standard measurements.


When it is necessary to position a logo an exact distance from a pocket or other marker, simply create a border around the logo with a specified distance to be displayed.


With the HoopStation, finding the correct position on the HoopMaster is effortless.


To determine the placement for the HoopMaster Fixture on the station, virtually position the logo using the TouchBOX and the HoopStation projects a red dot to indicate the proper placement for the fixture.

Would you like to find out more about the new HoopStation?

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